Preggy Zone

Preggy Zone: Get to know how your baby looks in the womb through the 40-week pregnancy period with a graphical illusion representation. Just download the app from the respected application store, install it, and then simply enter the name and LMP date or determined Due date from your doctor to start your exciting look into your baby's body shape development and also follow the health tips for mom.

By SkyRaan Technologies

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Baby kick and Contraction Timer
Do’s and Don’ts
Nearby Hospitals
Trimester Chart

Do’s and Don’ts

A woman takes on the responsibilities of several processes in the house or at work that need several executions, but when the same woman becomes pregnant, there are several things to consider in terms of the dos and don’ts. The same thing is categorised here under dos, some under warnings, and finally don'ts, which is necessarily a "No" option. By following the above steps, a woman can enjoy every single moment as a mom with the Preggy Zone app.

Baby Kick & Contraction Timer:

A baby in the form of a foetus, on rapid growth of the body parts, starts to kick mom’s womb frequently for a period of time, so the mother can mark the number of kicks with the duration time. The same thing can be done with the contraction timer when the uterus is getting closer to delivery and there are some muscle contractions for a certain duration that can be marked by the mom. The above-explained processes would be helpful for getting clear information about the baby's health in the next doctor’s consultation.


Trimester Chart

After entering the LMP date, a mom can refer to a lot of information about the pregnancy for every single week as a trimester chart up to the delivery, which is as follows: Trimester one (Week 1 to 13), Trimester two (Week 14 to 26), and finally Trimester three (Week 27 to 40). The size of the embryo or foetus is explained clearly with several fruits and seeds, including the dimensions. The preceding process can be clearly visualised in the preggy zone with high graphics illustration that is close to real baby shape.


This is not a general monthly calendar; here is everything related to pregnancy: marking the LMP date, enclosing the development of baby each week with a kind note in your own words, marking reminders to take health check-ups and other things with an alarm, choosing a month for checking particular baby actions like kicks, etc. This specialised calendar is part of the Preggy Zone app, which helps moms at every turn of pregnancy.



It would be the interesting part of the Preggy Zone app where it displays several health-related videos for the mom and also showcases some of the baby shapes on individual stages, some of the common health instructions from caretakers for pregnancy, and finally the diet plans of what to eat and avoid. This developed video feature may help mom in different aspects during the maternity period.

Nearby Hospitals

In an emergency or getting closer to the delivery time, one can look out for nearby multi-speciality hospitals directly in the Preggy Zone app. If the specific hospital gets selected within a certain area, it shows the contact and address details of the particular hospital, which helps in calling the ambulance or other services. A family member can utilise this feature at the respected women’s delivery pain time from the Preggy Zone app.


Community Discussion

100x100 Emily Thompson

Preggy Zone app has been a lifesaver during my pregnancy journey! It keeps me informed about my baby's development and provides helpful tips

100x100 Sarah Martinez

As a first-time mom, Preggy Zone app has been my go-to app. It's user-friendly and keeps me excited about each milestone. Highly recommend!

100x100 Jessica Cooper

Preggy Zone app has made my pregnancy so much more enjoyable. The personalized insights and community support make it stand out.

100x100 Rachel Scott

From tracking my baby's growth to managing appointments, Preggy Zone app is a complete package. It's a must-have for all expectant moms

100x100 Amanda White

I love Preggy Zone app for its detailed week-by-week updates and expert advice. It's like having a pregnancy expert in my pocket

100x100 Lily Johnson

Preggy Zone app has made my pregnancy journey smooth and stress-free. The contraction timer and kick counter are fantastic tools.

100x100 Melissa Turner

I appreciate the informative articles and the ability to connect with other moms on Preggy Zone app. It's like a supportive community.

100x100 Laura Williams

Preggy Zone app has been my constant companion throughout this beautiful journey. It has helped me stay organized and prepared.